About Us

We utilize the latest in cutting edge technology to provide superior quality products to corporations and the general public!

Your One-Stop Shop for Custom Cutting and Manufacturing

Since opening our doors in 1974, we've continuously expanded our services to meet the growing needs of our customers. Today, as a full-blown custom machining and manufacturing company, we have the capacity to efficiently manage both large and complex jobs—and the expertise to add value at every step. For you, this means a seamless process and a quality end product.

Excellent services

We provide you the best services.

Best quality

We provide you the best quality

Efficient products and proccess

Efficient products and proccess

Expertise to add value

We have the expertise to add value at every step

Expanded our services

We've continuously expanded our services to meet the growing needs of our customers.

Efficiently manage jobs

We needs to be capitalized in efficiently manage jobs